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Lucy McCann paints a watercolour painting on site at another stunning outback location at Winton, Queensland, Australia. Watch Lucy’s approach of the subject from a small sketch to the larger painting, making adjustments as the light of the day changes as the sun sets.
Barry explains why understanding tones is an essential part of his art. It is tone that is the workhorse when creating a painting and colour is the show pony.
Watch the story of “Oi” the Siberian Husky from the Outback of Australia, and pick up some painting tips from the very talented artist Barry McCann.
CIYL episode by Lucy McCann.
“Not only learn to paint your vision in Acrylics but also tell a story with Lucy McCann”.
Colour In Your Life
12 January at 08:28 ·
I am having trouble searching for the words to describe why this is the Greatest Episode that Colour In Your Life has aired! Amazing Talent with such incredible attention to detail. How He explained every step of the creative process beginning with idea to finished piece was so very appreciated. I felt as though I was in attendance of a Master Class in London!! I enjoyed learning the properties and benefits of each choice of materials used and the proactive solutions shared for the challenges acrylic mediums present. I am so impressed with this Artist, and very thankful to CIYL for showcasing a wonderfully talented artist and instructor!!!” ~ Art Lover